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1 place in "Louisiana/Shreveport"

Guide and advice to the best Strip Clubs in Shreveport.

As with most gentlemen’s clubs in the country. The big-name chain clubs such as Hustler, Scores and The Penthouse Club, offer the highest quality but also feature the highest prices.

Louisiana is one of the rare states with major chain clubs located outside of the major cities. Such as Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club in Shreveport. The constant influx of tourists keeps the Gentlemen clubs in Shrevport occupied seven days a week, although weekends are the most popular and busiest times to visit the clubs.

The competition does, however, mean that most clubs waive their entry fees and offer good drink specials.

They also offer decent prices (you can get a decent drink for $6 to $7 at any given time). The dance prices range from $20 to $40 per song with champagne courts that go from the hundreds into the thousands of dollars. They have a variety of talent, although the high-end clubs tend to attract the most beautiful dancers.

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  • Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club

    202 Commerce Street Shreveport 71101
    Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in Shreveport Shreveport, a few hours north of the Big Easy, has experienced a rapid growth over…