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It was the year 1997 when , in conjunction with the release of an eponymous hit movie , played by Demi Moore , opened its doors in Milan Striptease. The local First Lap Dance in Italy , organized in the manner of American clubs that were precursors of this new way , erotic and sensual , dancing around a steel pole or in front of the local patrons. Until then the scenario of Italian sexy local was fairly static and confined to traditional nightclub based mainly on drinks at the table offered the desired girl. With the ‘ Striptease ‘ was born a new concept of sexy fun, a new way to interpret eroticism through the sensual movements of beautiful girls dancing athletically around the steel pole or , for those who wish, during a performance of integral striptease customised. The founder of ” Striptease ” is an Emilia , Luca Pazzi , accountant and computer teacher , who abandons his activities and his companies to devote himself to this exciting new trend , primarily for its high artistic component and secondly to disprove the common notion that this world is a synonym for malpractice . These are his words: ” There is nothing more artistic of the naked body of a woman , accompanied by music , she is able to convey , and dancing with her eyes, deep and pleasurable sensations . We must not interpret eroticism maniacally as a material fact , but leave it there fatness subliminally , working in our subconscious it can become a perfect side dish for moments of pleasant escape from the problems of everyday life “
Club was shut down in 2016.Now in its location a new disco club was opened , known as Planet Club
Not stripclub anymore.
So please remove it from the list